Welcome fellow Literacy Volunteer tutors! We have heard your requests for tips, hints and web links to provide additional information for your students and created this resource page as a guide for you.
As tutors, we strive to help our students move forward to achieve their goals. Additional information on how to “get there from here” can be very helpful. One rule of thumb repeated at Tutor Training is to meet with your new student three times before attempting to begin "lessons."
Robin Lovrien is offering a number of Zoom seminars for Literacy Volunteers Tutors. The dates and times of these have been sent to LV-A Tutors in emails. If you would like more information or to register, email literacy@literacyvolunteersandro.org
Before attending, please review these two documents (PDFs):
Workplace Literacy / Curriculum & Lesson Plans by Mary Beth Moyer, Susan Reilly & Sally Lunt
Workplace Literacy for EOSL Students Curriculum
Lesson Plans for EOSL Students Workplace Readiness:
Workplace Behaviors & Cultural Differences in the Workplace, Part 1
Workplace Behaviors & Cultural Differences int he Workplace, Part 2
Workplace - Ordering
Workplace - Time Terms
Workplace - Using Question Words
FMI: Contact the LV-A office.
Made possible by a grant from the Maine Department of Education Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy.
Teaching Syllabication to Improve Reading Skills by Robin H. Lovrien
Robin Lovrien, PhD, MSpEd:LD, consultant in Adult ESOL, has made her Guide to Syllibicaiton Set available to LV-A tutors. Thank you Robin and the Maine Dept. of Education Office of Adult Education. Click here to get the PDF.
For questions or concerns, please call 207-753-6658 or email: info@literacyvolunteersandro.org
Literacy Volunteers-Androscoggin has made a life-changing difference to many adults and families in our area. Please consider giving the gift that will keep on giving for generations to come.
© 2023 Literacy Volunteers-Androscoggin. All rights reserved.